Archive for May, 2008


Crossroads and lifestyle experiments.

May 23, 2008

These few weeks have been really tough. The experience is really indescribable but I’m just glad its all over. Its high time I caught up with old friends from other countries, guitar, exploring and exercise (if all goes well that is).

Anyway, during the study break i’ve been experimenting with a pure strict diet without going to the gym. I have come to the conclusion that diet is a more important factor in losing fats compared to exercise and this finding was consistent with other studies. Therefore, if you wanna lose fats the best way is by controlling your eating. I will put up the methodology if my study once I return from Ireland.


Happy Mother’s Day

May 11, 2008

Dear Ma,

Thanks for suffering 9 months just to give birth to me,

for cooking delicious meals,

for washing and ironing my clothes,

for cleaning the house,

for teaching me how to speak, read, write and count (etc),

for putting up with my bickering and childish behavior,

for protecting from being bullied,

for motivating me to achieve my goals

for always being there for me,

for guiding me throughout these 22 years,

and above everything else, your undying unconditional love.

For all these and everything else, I am eternally grateful. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for you.

Happy Mother’s Day





May 5, 2008

OMG… no freaking way… I was thinking to myself.

Was about to resume my studies when I decided to facebook(new term haha) for awhile. Was browsing through my bro’s pics when i saw him tagged with one of my long-lost ex-s dating back to highschool.


I couldn’t believe my eyes. Small world indeed. I hope she doesn’t tell my brother what I noob I was back then. I was young damnit! 🙂

But still, facebook rox! haha. Never underestimate the power of facebook. Looking forward to some catching up.

Speaking of catching up, time for biodegradable polymer implants. Finals this Tuesday! Wish me luck! ROAR.

P.S Happy Birthday Min Tien! You’re definitely someone who can be counted on in times of need. Best wishes and all good luck for Finals!