Archive for July, 2008


Highland games

July 20, 2008

I just got back from a day trip and BBQ at the Highland Games which was held at Loch Lomond. I’m super tired now as I got to pack for my England tour tomorrow and will only be back on the 25th. GG



July 18, 2008

Summer sales are on. Hundreds of shoppers clad in fancy clothes and accessories flock the street anxiously to see what the shops have to offer them.

Of course sales tend to make us spend more on stuff we don’t really need. And what do you do when your coffers are running low? I choose to stay at home.

The Shibuya Japs however, would do anything to sustain their spending habits. One the ways is through Enjo-kōsai, which means “compensated dating” and is a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money and/or luxury gifts to attractive women for their companionship, and possibly sexual favors. After it gained popularity in Japan, the phenomenon spread to other areas in Asia, including Taiwan, and Thailand. In the opposite case of women paying men, it is called gyaku-enjo-kōsai (逆援助交際?), or “reversed subsidized dating.” -Source: Wikipedia.

Hmmm, I wouldnt mind some gyaku-enjo-kosai if its for some MILF xD haha


Big Sweats

July 17, 2008

So i just woke up today and I switched on my msn, suddenly a random person added me. Her name was Barbravy Kofy aka Barbra. So this is how the conversation went:

(9:29 AM) Barbra: Hi
(9:30 AM) khaiyong: hi
(9:30 AM) barbravykofy@hot: hey, A/S/L?)
(9:31 AM) khaiyong: 22 M UK
(9:31 AM) khaiyong: u?
(9:31 AM) barbravykofy@hot: hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
(9:33 AM) khaiyong: so go masturbate
(9:33 AM) Barbra: listen hun, I\’m just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I\’ll get naked if u!

Big sweat. Porn bots in msn. I blocked “her” immediately after that.

Later in the afternoon, once again after i woke up from a nap I was chatting with one of my friends:

DOUBLE BIG SWEATS. Please tell me im not the only one who misread that. Either that or im seriously deprived xD


Pre-bed post

July 16, 2008

To my friends who are flying back to Malaysia tomorrow: Have a safe journey! I hope your stay here in Glasgow has been a fruitful one (im sure it has). You guys have come a long way and finally the journey is over. Don’t forget the lessons learned here and I hope you guys will take these lessons to make yourself a better person. See you guys soon at convocation! =)



July 15, 2008

Dear journal,

I’ve been hearing tons of bad stories about people I know recently. This has really changed my perception towards them. To think that these people seem nice on the outside but when you hear those stories of how some of them can sink so low… its just mind-numbing really.

Also, i’d hate to think that others have talked bad about me as well. I’m quite sure some of you might have, because nobody is perfect, am I right? If so, I just want to apologize if I have stepped on anyones shoes before. I really don’t mean it.

These bad stories… why are they popping up so much out of a sudden. Is it because now we know that we are leaving and we won’t have to see each other again so we can finally be open about our true feelings? To think that everyone has lived together with each other and had to put up with each other for a whole year, all that pent up frustration, anger, tears… will we finally be free from it?

Living together under one roof has really taught me some valuable lessons in life. Lessons I will never forget. I’ve seen houses fought, people cry, old friendships break and new friendships form… I would never have thought that living overseas could have such an impact on me.

To those who are about to embark on the same journey… I hope you embrace the important values our parents have taught us such as tolerance, compassion, compromising, kindness, and many others. Go revise pendidikan moral. =P As long as you know you are trying you’re best to maintain peace and harmony with yourself and others, you will have nothing to worry about.



July 14, 2008

Lately I’ve been fibbing alot whenever people ask me for favours. Unless they’re my really close friends. I find that it saves me alot of time and effort because prior to this i’m the type of person that never turns down a person in need (or a damsel in distress). Haha. So yeah. Its good to be selfish once in awhile. Besides, half of the time all I get is a ‘thanks’ and I feel used after that so TOO BAD. Khaiyong’s a bad boy now =P



July 13, 2008

17 more days till i go home. Sounds cliche but time really flies (when you’re having fun?). I can picture myself sitting in Kayu drinking milo ais while my friends ramble away about football 🙂

But now i’m faced with a very important question. How long should it be before I start work?

Two of my housemates have already applied and got their interviews.

Should I chill for 2 months or so before starting work or should I apply asap so I can start work?

On one hand, I know if start work immediately I can safely say that I will be working for the rest of my life.

On the other hand, if I delay too long my brains will probably start rotting and there’s also that possibility of me being sent to Kelantan because I didn’t apply early enough and all the hospitals are full.

But then again,  theres so much I want to do when I get back… Catch up with my highschool friends, college mates, play some dota, foos, checkout the IMU cup, have a Malaysian food trip.

Decisions, decisions…

Maybe I should take one month so settle everything I have to at home and then start work. 2 Months seems a wee bit long.

What would you do, dear readers?


Nocturia ON’

July 11, 2008

For the past 2 weeks, I have been waking up consistently at 6-7 in the morning regardless of what time I sleep. Mainly because I have to get up and go to the toilet. This has significant effect on my quality of life and quality of sleep.

I believe this behavior is due to the sun rising at 5am which spoils my biorhythm. Normally if the sun rose at 7am I should be able to get 2 more hours of sleep before my day time urinal time clock kicks in. To worsen things, the lousy curtain in my bedroom is unable to filter out the sunlight so going back to sleep after my toilet stop makes is even more difficult. I’ve taken measures such sleeping earlier at night, going to the loo before sleeping and only taking sips of water before bedtime.

Today I woke up at 7.45am. Not bad progress, I must say. Maybe i’ll try wearing an eye-mask b4 bed.



Bottom Blues

July 10, 2008

I had my eye on one of those 8pound pinstripe formal pants from primark. So today I wore one of my formal shirts and brought my leather shoes in my new Dunlop bag. Must try on with the whole suit only nice mar.

When I finally reached Primark I realised that all got waist size 30 but no length. All leg 32 wan. Just when I thought all was lost, I saw a glimmer of hope. This section of pants had waist 30 and length 29!

“Perfect!” I thought to myself. So i gladly took the pants and went to the changing room and got all dressed up including the leather shoes i brought.

GG! The pants was freaking tight. Not the waist but the whole cutting itself. I felt like I was suffocating. Did I put on weight ??? Cant be coz my jeans is clearly size 30 with room to spare. Then it hit me, I remembered seeing other guai lous where this kind of formal pants. They wear damn high up. So okay, that was what I did but I ended up looking like a bloody carrot thanks to the super slim leg holes and my bulky leather shoes.

Disappointed, I went off to buy some weed.



Just kidding.


So as I was making my way back I bumped into Ansoning. They suggested I head to Burtons to try and find pants. So i did and I went there and found two similiar pants with the same problem. Too carroty. Not to mention expensive.

Haih, i’m doomed to wearing nerdy slacks to work and no girl is ever gonna date me anymore.


Healthy Living

July 10, 2008

Hmmm, nothing I really want to blog about actually today but i’m just doing it because i’ve been consistently doing so for the past few days. Don’t wanna end the streak so fast, no ?

Right, everyone knows i eat damn healthy. So what do I eat everyday?

Note: I only eat like this at home. Outside I still eat like a normal person. Or in cook-togethers with friends. I just eat healthy whenever I can without jeopardizing my social life.

Moving on to the menu:

BREAKFAST: Tesco Muesli Cereal (no added salt or sugar) with skimmed milk +/- Banana. It tastes good coz it has raisins in it.

LUNCH1/ LUNCH2: Any Wholemeal seeded bread with lean ham/tuna/egg with a slice of low fat cheese (only 2g fat per slice!) with salad of choice. No butter/mayo allowed. Also, one fish oil pill once daily as source of healthy fat.

DINNER1/DINNER2: Boiled wholemeal pasta, broccoli, carrots and lean chicken breast. Sometimes i eat it with pasta sauce (tomato only) or soya sauce and black pepper. Broccoli for Vit C, Carrots for Vit A.

I spread out my meals by eating small meals throughout the day (hence 2 lunches and 2 dinners) to prevent post-prandial glucose excursions which is bad for diabetics and people who want to be thin.

Most importantly, no sugary fats, no deep fried food. Stir fry can as long as its with a wee bit of olive oil.

I eat this everyday.